Art of the Picts

Art of the Picts

Art of the Picts Sketch of the Shandwick Stone ©Crown Copyright HES, Ian G Scott Art of the Picts Ealain nan Cruithneach A lasting legacy of enigmatic art Dìleab mhaireannach de ealain dìomhair The Picts have left us a unique legacy of enigmatic symbol stones and...

Pictish lives

Pictish lives Reconstruction of a Pictish homestead in Glenshee ©Chris Mitchell Artist’s impression of a Pictish burial ©Mike Moore Pictish lives Beathannan Cruithneach Casting new light on Pictish life A’ soillseachadh beatha nan Cruithneach às ùr The Picts...
Pictish power and culture

Pictish power and culture

Pictish power and culture William Brassey Hole: ‘The Mission of St Columba to the Picts AD563’ © National Galleries of Scotland Pictish power and culture Cumhachd is cultar nan Cruithneach At the centre, not the edge Sa mheadhan, chan ann air an iomall The...
Applecross Heritage Centre

Applecross Heritage Centre

Applecross Heritage Centre  Location Clachan, Applecross,Strathcarron IV54 8ND Accessibility and amenities Easy accessSee full details below  Entry fee Get directions Applecross Heritage Centre  Location Clachan, Applecross,Strathcarron IV54...
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