In this short blog we introduce you to the wonderful world of the unique Celtic artwork of Iconographer Pictus Pictor, Dr. J Larry Scrimgeour.

‘Celtic Art of the Pictish School has fascinated me since boyhood as no other art-form can, combining the mystic symbolism of the natural order with that of the supernatural through the mathematics of symmetry, infinity and eternity. It has endless universal appeal and we are indeed privileged to have such excellent examples of this primal, tribal genre, arguably the best in the Celtic Northern Europe, virtually on our doorstep. My work attempts to create new icons in the ancient style, adding new images to the repertoire of our Pictish scribal forefathers. This protracted, painstaking process has inspired me also to attempt recreating badly worn/damaged sections of high Celtic crosses while retaining as much of the original work as possible. I welcome this opportunity to share my work with readers of the excellent Highland Pictish Trail website.’ Dr. J Larry Scrimgeour.

You can read more and look at examples of  Dr J Larry Scrimgeour’s work via his website

Below are videos exploring his work

The Celtic Knot

The Colourful World of Pictus Pictor – Celtic Iconographer

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