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More about the Picts
More about Highland archaeology and history
Visitor Information

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Faigh tuilleadh a-mach

If you would like to find out more about the Picts and the wider archaeology and history of the Highlands, these websites are a good place to start:

More about the Picts

Tuilleadh mu na Cruithnich

The University of Aberdeen’s Northern Picts project is uncovering fascinating new archaeological information about the Pictish period in the North of Scotland.
The Institute for Northern Studies specialises in the history and culture of the north, including the Highland Picts.
Website of the Pictish Arts Society. Includes a detailed index of articles on the Picts which have appeared in their newsletters.

More about Highland archaeology and history

Tuilleadh mu arc-eòlas is eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd

The online Historic Environment Record for the Highland Council area, with over 100,000 records from the earliest human activity to the Cold War.
The online catalogue to Scotland’s archaeology, buildings, industrial and maritime heritage, with information and images relating to more than 3330,000 sites.
Website of the North of Scotland Archaeological Society (NOSAS) which runs archaeological surveys, digs, field trips and other events in the Highlands and publishes a range of publications and blogs etc.
ARCH Highland specialises in community heritage projects in the Highland Council area.

Independent museums in the Highlands.

Information about historic sites managed by the National Trust for Scotland.
Their archives service looks after a wide range archives in the care of the Highland Council dating back to medieval times.
Information on archaeological sites in the care of Historic Environment Scotland, learning resources, visitor information and much more.
High Life Highland countryside rangers run a range of events and activities across the Highlands, including visits to archaeological sites.

A two-week festival each October celebrating the heritage of the Highlands from earliest settlers to modern times, and often including Pictish sites and themes. There’s something to suit everyone and many of the events are free. Geo-caching and self-guided history/archaeology trail information also downloadable.

Details of walks and biking trails in Scotland’s national forests. Some amazing hillforts linked with the Picts are located in national forests in the Highlands, meaning that you can combine walking or mountain-biking with history and outstanding scenery!
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